Announcing Our First Anesidora Miniatures

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For our first miniatures blog, we’d love to share our first set of 15 Miniatures representing players’ Heroes and their Companions.

In total, we have designed 26 custom miniatures inspired by the world of Anesidora to portray player characters, their companions, NPCs, and antagonists.

Each of our prototypes are currently being modified for use with SiOCAST technology for large scale production made by Hard Sand Entertainment in the United States. We’ll be posting a blog in a few weeks about the SiOCast process, so stay tuned!

All miniatures will be delivered unpainted and unassembled.


15 Hero and Companion Miniatures

All miniatures pictured are 3D printed prototypes painted by Sean Deitrick.


Protected by powerful magic armor and unshakeable faith, Berserkers charge headlong into battle against even the most dangerous foes.


The enigmatic Order of the Druids is tasked with maintaining balance in the lands of Gaul, and those who join the Order must renounce all previous cultural and familial loyalty. Druids employ powerful, ancient magic to keep the Unliving at bay.


In Chosen society, keeping a Duckshund as a pet is a sign of wealth and privilege. For adventurers and many Exiled, Duckshund serve a more practical role, protecting crops by eating pests and using their superior hearing and smell to warn of danger.


Unlike their priestly counterparts, who focus on communing with spirits and employing magic in Hades, Engineers are more interested in locating, repairing and maintaining magic relics in the physical world. An Engineer typically cares more for the practical use of magic than its spiritual importance.


Many who choose the life of an adventurer do so with little more than the clothes on their backs. The Explorer uses the knowledge they have developed over a lifetime living in the wilderness to survive the worst Anesidora has to offer.


In many Exiled communities, the Jarl serves as not only a political and spiritual leader but is also directly involved in protecting their tribe from outside threats and participating in hunts.


Knights travel the land serving the greater good for the glory of their Knightly Orders. In other cases, free Knights serving no master other than their own conscious employ their considerable martial prowess to protect the innocent or sell it to the highest bidder. Our knight is riding atop a Loch Dragon, a powerful amphibious creature native to Elysium.


Although travel on Anesidora is dangerous, the call to greatness and adventure is too great a pull for many. The Merchant does not suffer from such issues, instead choosing a life on the road to reap the monetary rewards that come with bringing rare goods into foreign lands.


While many adventurers rely on physical or magical prowess to solve problems, sometimes what is most needed is a silver tongue, sharp suit, and the backing of a military superpower. While most Chosen Officers choose to live lives of relative luxury within the safety of the God Cities, others prefer to take a more hands-on approach to administration of their realms.


A common beast of burden throughout much of Anesidora, the Olivak is a docile and sturdy creature. Able to carry several months of supplies on their back, or pull even more in a large wagon, the Olivak is an ideal companion for anyone traveling the great expanses between God Cities, provided they aren’t in a hurry.


Holy warriors equipped with some of the strongest magical equipment the God Cities have to offer, Paladins serve as the military arm of the church. Their duties include investigating heresy, performing good deeds on behalf of the church, and protecting the populace from Unliving threats.


With the ability to commune with spirits and traverse the lands of Hades with relative ease, the Priestess serves as a spiritual advisor to their community, as well as communicating directly with and interpreting the will of powerful magical entities, occasionally including the Shades of the Gods themselves.


Anesidora hides many secrets. From ancient sites and relics untouched by mankind since the Fall, to an ever-changing landscape and array of species guided by the will of the Titans, there is always something new to learn and discover. While most Scholars keep to the relative safety of ancient archives, there are some who prefer the laboratory of the wilderness as the greatest source of new knowledge.


Beings of pure magic who dwell in the lands of Hades, most Shades are the souls of the long dead whose spirits are stored in magical devices so they can continue to aid the living long after their physical body dies.


Anesidora is a world rife with danger, but some areas are more inhospitable than others. For tribes in these desolate and dangerous lands, becoming a Warrior is a rite of passage every member of the society must achieve to ensure their survival. Though specializing in combat, Warriors typically also possess local knowledge necessary to be self sufficient in areas most would consider wasteland.

If you want to get your hands on these models as soon as they are available, be sure to sign up to be notified when our Kickstarter launches on LaunchBoom!