Alfheim by Siba Gasser
The Setting
Anesidora is a tabletop roleplaying game introducing a new setting and a new game system. In the game, Players take on the roles of Heroes in a world of mythology and science fiction, where a terrible disaster split humanity between those Chosen by the gods and those Exiled to suffer and die in the frozen wastes.
The Game
Anesidora is played by rolling 7 Fate Dice and reading their symbols to determine success, failure, and if the gods have taken notice of the character’s actions. To change the course of fate, players add Rune Dice to their dice pool based on their character’s skills and situation.
Anesidora does not lock players into classes or roles, and characters are fully customizable. Each character gets a pool of points to purchase skills and Traits to add other abilities or powerful companions.
Nyx Dog by Daniel Spellman
Miniature design for the Duckshund
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